[En anglais] Interpreting new international study results for the Canadian context
CTN National Director Dr. Aslam Anis was quoted in a Global News story about new findings...
En savoir plusCTN National Director Dr. Aslam Anis was quoted in a Global News story about new findings...
En savoir plusREGISTER by APRIL 15, 2019 www.fourwav.es/SHIVER-2019 The goal of this workshop is to provide...
En savoir plusDr. Card, CTN Postdoctoral Fellow, provides an overview of his fellowship project, using national survey...
En savoir plusBridging the Gap: Community and researchers allied in fight to end HIV There is a...
En savoir plus« Avec notre étude, nous tenterons de vérifier si un médicament breveté et d’usage courant...
En savoir plusApproximately half of the aging HIV-positive population will be affected by HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND)....
En savoir plusThe CTN offers condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Dr. David Cooper. Dr....
En savoir plusThe Prevention and Vulnerable Populations (PVP) Core’s Trans Working Group has submitted their first grant proposal
En savoir plusAprès environ deux années de travail et de consultation, les premières lignes directrices canadiennes sur...
En savoir plusDespite efforts to reduce new incidences of HIV, the actual number of new HIV cases in Canada has remained relatively stable.
En savoir plusPersons in custody in Canadian prisons have a 25-fold higher rate of hepatitis C (HCV)...
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