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“Condoms are … like public transit. It’s something you want everyone else to take”: Perceptions and use of condoms among HIV negative gay men in Vancouver, Canada in the era of biomedical and seroadaptive prevention

BMC Public HealthJanuary 28, 201910.1186/s12889-019-6452-7

Marion Di Ciaccio, Luis Sagaon-Teyssier, Christel Protière, Mohamed Mimi, Marie Suzan-Monti, Laurence Meyer, Daniela Rojas CastroGilles PialouxClaire PintadoJean Michel MolinaMarie PréauBruno Spire

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Follow YOUR Heart: development of an evidence-based campaign empowering older women with HIV to participate in a large-scale cardiovascular disease prevention trial

HIV Clin TrialsMarch 09, 201710.1080/15284336.2017.1297551

Eliciting perspectives on CVD research participation among a community-sample of women with or at risk for HIV, and to apply acquired insights toward the development of an evidence-based campaign empowering older women with HIV to participate in a large-scale CVD prevention trial

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In support of an individualized approach to assessing quality of life: comparison between Patient Generated Index and standardized measures across four health conditions

Quality of Life ResearchDecember 17, 201610.1007/s11136-016-1480-6

Estimating, across four health conditions, the magnitude of the association between scores derived from the Patient Generated Index (PGI) and those from fully standardized generic and disease-specific measures of the HRQL; to identify the extent to which the areas generated from the PGI are covered by the content of the fully standardized measures

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