About The Study

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of web-based interventions in supporting people living with HIV (PLHIV) to adopt healthy behaviours (stopping smoking, exercising more, and eating better).

About The Disease

Today, HIV infection is classified as a chronic disease. It used to be considered a terminal illness, but the widespread use of ART has contributed to greatly reduced mortality among PLHIV. However, the long-term use of these drugs, the normal aging process, and the presence of certain risk factors have been found in recent years to be associated with the appearance of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

To prevent the development of metabolic problems it is essential that PLHIV adopt health behaviours, especially ceasing smoking, engaging in physical activity, and following a healthy diet. Unfortunately, the literature suggests that smoking is actually considerably more prevalent among PLHIV than the general population (50-70%) and that physical activity levels are lower among PLHIV than in the general population.

Study Approach

The study is seeking to recruit 750 participants from across Canada to participate in this study, which will last six months and be conducted entirely online. Each participant will complete a questionnaire in which they will choose the healthy behaviour they would like to adopt (one of the three mentioned above).

After completing the questionnaire, each participant will then be randomly placed into one of two groups. One group will have access to a detailed list of websites that offer quality information (validated by experts) on the health behaviour chosen. The other group will have access to a web-based tailored intervention in which a virtual nurse provides a variety of information and strategies that can help to adopt the chosen behaviour. Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires at the beginning of the study, and then three and six months later.

If you would like more information on this clinical study or to enrol in this study, please refer to www.lhivehealthy.ca, write to info@vihensante.ca, or contact Patricia Auger at patricia.auger.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.


Eligibility Requirements


  • 18 year of age or older
  • PLHIV (self-reported status, no minimum duration since diagnosis or treatment)
  • Be able to read and understand French or English
  • Have Internet access (no matter in which location)

For more information on inclusion and exclusion criteria, please refer to clinicaltrials.gov.

Not Allowed

  • For more information on inclusion and exclusion criteria, please refer to clinicaltrials.gov

Additional Information

If you would like more information on this clinical study or to enrol in this study, please refer to www.lhivehealthy.ca,
 write to info@vihensante.ca, or
 contact Patricia Auger at patricia.auger.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.

Principal Investigators

Here’s who is leading this study.

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